You ask

A frequently asked question we get, is: 'How can Sales make a difference between winning and losing in a context in which all products and services seem lookalikes?'

We answer

First, Sales professionals - only 5% of all Sales out there - prove to be experts in the business of their clients, what brings them early trust

Once trust is established, they are control freaks. They not only take control over their Sales process, they also take control over the end-to-end decision process of their clients

Third, they are task- and people-oriented. All Sales are trained to be task-oriented. Sales professionals, though, excel into being people-oriented as well. Sales pro's ask questions like: 'Why is this project under discussion so important to you?' or 'What do you want to achieve with this project?'

Finally, they dare to say 'no' like in 'We are not the right party for you'. If you say 'no' in a gentle way and without blaming you customer, a 'no' will attract a 'yes'