You ask

As a CRO I often lack time to individually coach my Sales. How do I handle this?

Considering our customer acquisition costs, we have to win!

We are facing forecast in-accuracy. Why are our Sales funnels melting when approaching the quarter-ends?

How do we increase our chances in massive must win opportunities?

Some of our Sales are far below their targets. How can we best support them in winning more?

We answer

Prior participation to The Reality Circle® workshop is warmly recommended

Your selected Sales will benefit from an individual coaching on 3 must win opportunities of the quarter

Your Sales will take advantage of having a safe sounding board

Your Sales have full freedom to involve our Sales professionals into meetings with customers

Returns On Must Win Coaching investments are massive! (see quote below)

Bertrand Andries (regretted and former MD of SAP Belgium): 'The House Of Sales, with this first SAP win back you have earned your coaching assignment for the next couple of years.'